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Reasons to Avoid Silicones in Hair Products

If you’re like most people, you probably think that all hair products are pretty much the same. However, this is not at all the case. There are many different ingredients used in hair products, and some of them can be significantly better for your hair than others. One such ingredient is silicone. While it may provide a temporary shine and smoothing effect, there are several reasons why you should avoid silicone in your hair products. Keep reading to find out more!

There are a number of reasons to avoid silicones in hair products. First, they can cause buildup, making hair look greasy and weighing it down. Second, silicones can also be difficult to remove, leading to scalp irritation. Finally, they can often mask the true condition of the hair, making it harder to determine what kind of treatment is needed. All of these factors make silicones a less-than-ideal ingredient in hair care products.

hair care

The truth about silicones in hair care

There is a lot of misinformation about silicones in hair care. For example, some people believe that all silicones are harmful to your hair, while others think they are the key to achieving super shiny and healthy locks. So, what is the truth about silicones in hair care? Are they harmful, or are they beneficial?

Silicones are non-water soluble polymers used in hundreds of hair and other personal care products. However, the consumer should be aware that silicones coat the hair strands, reducing manageability and increasing tangling and breakage. Though they add shine to hair, it’s only an illusion – because what you’re seeing is a coating on your hair strands that acts as a barrier between the product and your hair strand! This reduction in smoothness can lead to buildup, so product performance will decline, requiring more frequent shampooing. Silicones also mask damage, and heat styling tools will cause additional strand problems while providing no real solution for split ends or frayed sections of locks.

What happens to your hair when you go silicone-free?

As you may have heard, silicone-free hair products are all the rage these days. But what does that mean for your hair? Is it better to go silicone-free? In this post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of using silicone-free hair products and help you decide whether or not they’re right for you.

Here are the common effects of going silicone-free and why it matters.

Your hair sheds more after stopping silicone use–and that’s a good thing! It is a sign that your hair responds to the lack of “foreign” ingredients in its environment. More on this here: Shedding Hair Naturally

You will likely have a lot of hair loss during the first three months, but after that point, you should notice less shedding as your scalp adjusts to producing healthier oils naturally from sebum instead of relying upon synthetic ones from shampoos/conditioners/styling products with silicones. This means as you transition away from silicones for good, your hormonal imbalance due to nutritional deficiencies (caused by chemicals in your environment such as pesticides, etc.) should also be corrected to help prevent future hair loss.

Your hair gets much softer and more manageable after going silicone-free because it is rebalancing with the natural oils that nature intended for it to use, and it will return to its normal porosity and width (thickness), which can result in less frequent tangles/shedding if you have naturally fine or thin hair. In addition, silicones coat the outside of your strands like plastic wrap, which causes the water not to penetrate them for hydration fully. Without silicones, your strands don’t suffocate themselves, allowing them to soak up water and nutrients properly for their best health.


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